Honoring 40 Years
of Pastoring
and 45 Years of Ministry
A Life of Sacrifice
We will be tried, tested and stretched during the 40/45 experience but we will prevail as one because we have been taught, led and loved by our Man of Faith, Dr. Jonathon Carter. Because of him, we are stronger in faith, deeper in love, and more united as a family of believers.
Now let’s do it for him! Let’s blow Pastor Carter’s mind. Join us as we set a goal to raise $100,000 by, Sunday, August 17, 2025.
Download the 40/45 Experience Packet
40/45 Experience Packet
We are All the Shepherd’s Care Sacrificial Challenge
We will join as one family to participate in the challenge. The challenge will commence on Sunday, September 15, 2024, with a target date of Sunday, August 10, 2025. Each week, as a church we will have a designated amount to sacrifice to help us stay on target. You can give weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, the full amount all at once or in the manner that works best for you. We encourage you to prayerfully consider how you can sacrifice for the one who has given so much, Pastor Carter.
Ways to Give: We are All the Shepherd’s Care Sacrificial Challenge
Online at www.jonathoncarter.org by clicking on the 40/45 experience link
40/45 experience station next to the SCI bookstore
Contributions by mail to 3695 Roosevelt Hwy | South Fulton, GA 30349
Checks should be made payable to Siloam Outreach Ministries